Common knowledge of theater stage lighting
Release Date: [2020/5/12 14:23:50]    Total read [395] Times

      The requirements for lamps vary according to the performance of the show. The basic lighting configuration of the theater stage mentioned here means that it can basically meet the performance needs of ordinary opera, dance, ballet, drama, local drama and so on. Downlights, also known as RAP lights, are constructed by installing mirror bulbs in the cylinder or tungsten bromide bulbs in the reflector bowl. The main feature is that they can emit a relatively fixed beam with a variety of beam angles, but the spot size cannot be adjusted; The high-power astigmatism lamp of sky row lamp and floor row lamp is used to illuminate the sky curtain up and down. It needs to be bright and balanced, and the irradiation area is large:

      The imaging lamp, or modeling lamp, ellipsoid spotlight, has a variety of beam angles, you can choose the application according to your needs, the main feature is to be able to cut the light spot into a square, diamond, triangle and other shapes like a slide, or project the desired Various patterns and patterns, the power is also available in 1K W, 2 KW, etc .; there are fewer and fewer spotlights. The spotlight used on the stage refers to the use of plano-convex condensers in front of the lamp. This lamp can adjust the spot size. The outgoing beam is more concentrated, and the diffused light is smaller. The power has 0. 5W -5 K W variety. There are long, medium and short focal lengths. Guangzhou stage lighting equipment can be selected as needed according to the distance. The lighting of stage lights is mostly dominated by fixed point light sources. With different colors. In order to achieve various visual effects. The lighting of the stage lights first respects the human eye, that is, it takes full consideration of people's viewing habits and shapes them on this basis.

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